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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A More Affordable Fit: Establishing a Healthy Lifestyle That Won't Leave You Broke!

Today, I read a local fitness icon's response to someone who had written him to say that they were excited to read that a program such as his existed, and that they felt a strong spark of motivation to change their own lifestyle, but that unfortunately they couldn't afford the $500 fee that the program boasts. His response sounded more detrimental than encouraging and that was disappointing to me personally, as I know a lot of friends of mine have availed of his programs and the motivational group dynamic which accompanies them. Most of these people have achieved great personal results and successes from following the basic principles of healthy nutrition and exercise which underlie all of the programming.

After highlighting and thanking the strength coach for the good work he does, the person signed off by wishing him the best of luck and by noting that if his programs could be availed of on a payment plan or more affordable basis in the future, to please let them know.

The response posted by the fitness coach unfortunately came across as having a flat bench "no money, no change" attitude. I would have to resoundingly disagree. While he did wish the writer the best of luck in their recently undertaken health transformation,  by assuming the writer had a $100 cable bill, brand name clothing, and frequently ate out as fictitious, unfounded reasons why they couldn't afford his programming fee, the health coach placed himself in a less than positive category, for me at least.

As a recent university graduate who worked full time throughout my degree to afford a modest lifestyle, I know what it means to have a tight budget sometimes, and bills are necessities that simply don't pay themselves. It is only fair for me to point out that one of these bills that I've made a necessity is my Goodlife fitness gym membership which has been affordable to me personally at a rate of $25 every two weeks. However, as a bottom line, it's not unreasonable to understand that some people just wouldn't have that $500 to spare upfront.

This person wasn't implying that they weren't ready to make a healthy lifestyle change, which was the tone undertaken by the health coach in his response, in fact they were pointing out that they had started to take all of the initial steps in that direction with healthy nutrition and a weight loss. Instead of pointing toward a 10lb weight loss achievement as being temporary, I feel it should have been celebrated and encouraged especially by someone who has dedicated their life to helping others establish and maintain healthier lifestyles.

To the person who initially wrote the fitness coach, I really wish that I could ensure you read what I'm about to say, because I feel that you and many others NEED to know that you don't have to pay someone $500 to get you started on living a healthier life. The principles of nutrition and exercise that are marketed by programs such as the "Ripped" series are NOT new discoveries. This is a wealth of information that can be accessed absolutely free via websites like www.bodybuilding.com where literally ANYBODY can find a healthy diet and exercise plan, compiled by world renowned, accomplished,  personal trainers/fitness models like Jamie Eason.

 I personally undertook her "livefit" plan and all of it's accompanying clean nutrition, exercise, and supplementing advice to radically change my own lifestyle and become a healthier, stronger person. I'm happier mentally and physically, I've exchanged fat for lots of lean muscle, and I feel fabulous! It was one of the single best investments of time and dedication I could have ever given myself, and it's certainly a gift that keeps on giving with each workout I complete, and each goal I accomplish.

In addition to the available fitness plans, bodybuilding.com has an ENORMOUS forum full of clean eating recipes, workouts (and videos demonstrating EVERY possible exercise you could imagine), supplement information, and motivational groups where millions of members come together to help each other achieve their goals from around the globe. You can even create your own personal profile on the site, and track and share your progress with others, it really is an invaluable resource when it comes to fitness and nutrition.

Initially, of course the thought of a total transformation and all the steps that must be taken toward it are scary. Processing all the information takes awhile, as does learning the exercise routines, and learning the principles of healthy eating. Honestly though, what worthwhile, significant change, comes without a little fear and anxiety at the start? A little education never hurt any of us, especially when we undertake it ourselves. I was walking blindly when I decided to educate myself on a good fitness and nutrition lifestyle, but learning myself was an accomplishment in itself. Now, it's a lifestyle I live daily and one that I appreciate, and I'm responsible for taking it on! Little old me, all by myself! I did lots of reading, lots of writing, asked questions at the gym, and got the answers I needed. Now I'm happy to share all of these ideals with anyone who wants to learn them.

You can make revolutionary mental, emotional, and physical changes to your life if you are committed enough to educating yourself and putting in the time and effort that is required to make such changes a reality.

Of course, one thing that the website cannot give you, is the power of a physically present group dynamic which is what some people claim they need to be successful . The answer is to establish your OWN personal or group dynamic. One that suits you and keeps YOU motivated. Remember that after a month or two months of a group based program, it is still on your shoulders to keep eating nutritiously and exercising regularly to maintain and improve the results that you've worked so hard for. So whether that means you putting together a group of your own friends who are all ready for a change, tagging along and training with a friend who has already made the change and who can show you the ropes, or finding the motivation to fly solo, there is always a solution.

Finally, I need to point out that this post is in NO WAY meant to attack the "Ripped" programs or the hard work and dedication exhibited by this body transformation expert. He is doing GREAT work for the people of this city at his facility, and any program which teaches fundamental health and nutrition practices and functions to help us become a healthier population as a whole should be celebrated and commended for its undertakings and successes. He knows his stuff, and from what I can tell he's dedicated to continually learning so that he's always on top of his game in being the most informed to help his clients. If  you can afford the $500 and you think the program is for you, then by all means I wish you a world of success in becoming healthier from the inside out, but if you want to save a little money, or you can't afford the fees, I want you to know that there's a very accessible and equally successful alternative available to you.

 All I'm hoping to accomplish here is to let people, like the person who wrote that they couldn't afford the "Ripped" programs, know that YOU are the driving force in changing YOUR life and improving YOUR health to the standard that YOU want. We are all individuals with our accompanying differences but "where there is a will, there is a way" and YOU can find your way just like I did.

Until next time,

-A Fabulous State